Scunthorpe Stories: Real and Imagined Tales from Northern Lincolnshire and Beyond

Video still from 'Artown' by Michael BurkittScunthorpe Stories still from video by Rodrigo LebrunStill from video by Alice May Stewart


17 to 25 October 2023

As part of our ‘Scunthorpe Screen’ series of artist film screenings we present Scunthorpe Stories: Real and imagined tales by artists from Northern Lincolnshire and beyond, featuring short films from four artists presenting real and parallel realities, rooted in Scunthorpe and Northern Lincolnshire.

Looped screenings run from 10am to 4pm daily (closed Sundays and Mondays). Total running time approximately 15mins.

Michael Burkitt
In Artown, Michael Burkitt combines found footage and invented narrative to reimagine his hometown of Scunthorpe, presenting an alternative realty of a town whose economy is built from a tradition of art and creativity. Excerpt from film originally commissioned for the Festival of Creativity North Lincolnshire by North Lincolnshire Cultural Education Partnership and The Ropewalk.

Rodrigo Lebrun
French/Brazilian artist Rodrigo Lebrun presents Green (Screen) Dreams -introducing us to the imaginary town of ‘Sunthorpe’ and its popular tourist attractions. Originally commissioned for North Lincolnshire Museum by Invisible Dust and Humber Museum Partnership.

Krys Konczak
Krys Konczak is a Polish born art-film maker based in Scunthorpe, his striking artworks combine avant-garde influences with the fast pace and glossy feel of high-end advertising.

Alice May Stewart
Grimsby based artist Alice May Stewart is a recent graduate from Central Saint Martins college of art. Her work explores themes of class, gender, mental health and everyday life through the lens of humour and a DIY-based, often colourful approach.